O uso de fitoterápicos tópicos associados a drenagem linfática manual e ILIB como terapias coadjuvantes no tratamento do lipedema – Estudo de caso

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Lidiane Mota


Lipedema is characterized as a disproportionate accumulation of fat bilaterally in specific regions. This exacerbated accumulation of fat is accompanied by edema and fibrosis, especially in the lower third of the body. It is estimated that 11 to 19% of the female population suffer from the disease. This case study intended to evaluate the use of therapy combining topical herbal medicines, manual lymphatic drainage and ILIB in the adjuvant treatment of Lipedema. A woman who had lipedema in her lower limbs participated in the research. The patient underwent a single intervention combining ILIB 30 minutes and Manual Lymphatic Drainage using topical herbal medicines diluted in a neutral cream as a slider. The participant was assessed before and after a single intervention. The evaluation was carried out through photographic documentation of the treated regions, Godet test, perimetry and application of the Visual Analogue Pain Scale – VAS questionnaire. The photographic record shows a change in skin color, a slight reduction in edema and an improvement in the general appearance of the region after the procedure. Perimetry indicates a reduction in the measurements of the evaluated regions (MMII), while the Godet test showed no difference before and after the procedure. The evaluation of the Analog Pain Scale – VAS demonstrated a significant reduction in pain in the lower limbs immediately after the procedure. It is concluded that the association of ILIB, DLM and topical herbal medicines was an effective adjuvant therapy in the treatment of lipedema in the participant with stage II and classification III lipedema (morphology). However, it is suggested that randomized studies with a larger number of patients be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of combined and isolated therapies in the treatment of lipedema.

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How to Cite
Mota, L. (2024). O uso de fitoterápicos tópicos associados a drenagem linfática manual e ILIB como terapias coadjuvantes no tratamento do lipedema – Estudo de caso. Revista Científica De Estética & Cosmetologia, 4(1), E1402024 – 1. https://doi.org/10.48051/rcec.v4i1.140
Author Biography

Lidiane Mota, Universidade Nove de Julho

Esteticista, Especialista em pré e pós procedimentos Médicos – UAM; Mestre em Biofotônica – UNINOVE; Doutoranda em Biotecnociência – UFABC.


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