The use of Plasma Gel in filling the nasolabial fold - Case Series

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Lidiane Mota


The search for less risky and cost-effective cosmetic filling materials has stimulated the introduction of autologous implants, including fat and collagen for tissue augmentation and skin biostimulation. However, these materials showed some problems such as morbidity at the donor site and difficulty in controlling the volume of tissue acquired. More convenient, safer and cheaper autologous materials, such as plasma gel, have been studied with the aim of offering viable and safer filling and biostimulation solutions from a clinical point of view. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate filling effect of Plasma Gel in the nasolabial folds in 4 women who had fainting in the region. The participants were submitted to an application of plasma gel in the nasolabial fold region, the evaluation was made through photographic documentation. The results showed filling of the nasolabial folds immediately after application. The authors concluded that Plasma Gel is a safe, low-cost, and viable option for facial fillers.

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How to Cite
Farina, T., & Mota, L. (2022). The use of Plasma Gel in filling the nasolabial fold - Case Series. Revista Científica De Estética & Cosmetologia, 2(1).
Artigo Original
Author Biographies

Thuany Farina, UNIFMU

UniFMU - Pós graduada em Estética e Cosmetologia – AVM.

Lidiane Mota, Universidade Nove de Julho

Esteticista, Especialista em pré e pós procedimentos Médicos – UAM, Mestre em Biofotônica - Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) – São Paulo – SP


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