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Anna Vitória Bastos Gonçalves
Amouni Mohmoud Mourad
Solange A. P. C. Brícola
Marcelo Guimarães


Androgenetic alopecia is a condition characterized by hair loss associated with exposure to androgens, occurring in genetically predisposed individuals. It causes terminal hair to be replaced by vellus hair, miniaturizing the hair shaft and decreasing hair density. The removal of the stratum corneum of skin due to mechanical exfoliation facilitates the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp by stimulating blood circulation, which can help hair growth. Society's consumption patterns are constantly changing, being the search for sustainability and ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) trends a very popular topic. The aim of this study was to develop an exfoliating dermocosmetic formulation with babassu fibers to help on the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, using the part of the babassu coconut that was originally discarded by the industry. An oil-in-water emulsion was developed with the surfactants lauryl glucoside and cocoamidopropyl betaine, and the emulsifiers cetostearyl alcohol and glyceryl monostearate. The formulation was then analyzed for organoleptic parameters (color, smell and appearance), density, pH and centrifugation. The formulation showed instability in the presence of direct sunlight and heat, indicating possible impasses for its commercialization, since storage in the bathroom may trigger instability. In this way, it can be assumed that storing the product in a refrigerator or even at room temperature (<25°C) will maintain its stability. Based on the results, future studies are needed to assess the stability of the scrub, and the optimization of the formulation will make it possible to obtain an innovative product.

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Cómo citar
Bastos Gonçalves, A. V., Mohmoud Mourad, A., A. P. C. Brícola, S., & Guimarães, M. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXFOLIATING DERMOCOSMETIC FORMULATION WITH BABASSU FIBERS TO HELP ON THE TREATMENT OF ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA. Revista Científica De Estética E Cosmetologia, 4(1), E141202 – , 1.


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