1. Website Terms of Use
he use of the website" e o ““ (hereinafter referred to as "Site") depends on the acceptance of the Terms of Use (hereinafter "Terms" ").
By using the Site, the Internet user (hereinafter "User") acknowledges having read these Terms declares to accept them without reserve and undertakes to fulfill - them. We recommend that the user check the Terms regularly, as their content may change.

2. General information
The website “” e is published by Carlos Jorge Rocha Oliveira MEI - CNPJ 34.903.444 / 0001-59 , whose headquarters are located at Avenida Fagundes Filho, 623, apto. 73 E, Vila Monte Alegre, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, CEP 04.304-010. This website is an institutional communication space for the Health Sciences Journal Publishing . It is intended for all audiences.

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4. Personal data
4.1 Process controller
Health Sciences Reference and Revista C ientífica is responsible for processing, within the meaning of Brazilian law LAW No. 13,709, OF AUGUST 14, 2018. , which provides for the processing of personal data, including in digital media, by natural person or legal entity. of public or private law, with the objective of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

4.2 Data collected and processing purposes
These data will be retained for a period not exceeding 12 months. The User is informed that his / her personal data is intended for the services and personnel of Health Sciences Journal Publishing responsible for the administration of this Site. Through the use of Cookies, the Site collects technical information (see item 5).

4.3 Recipients
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4.4 Personal data processing activities :
They must observe good faith and the following principles of Article 6 of LAW No. 13,709, OF AUGUST 14, 2018

I - purpose: carrying out the treatment for legitimate, specific, explicit and informed purposes to the holder, without the possibility of further treatment in a manner incompatible with these purposes;

II - adequacy: compatibility of the treatment with the purposes informed to the holder, according to the context of the treatment;

III - necessity: limitation of the treatment to the minimum necessary for the accomplishment of its purposes, with coverage of the relevant data, proportional and not excessive in relation to the purposes of the data treatment;

IV - free access: guarantee to holders of free and easy consultation on the form and duration of treatment, as well as on the completeness of their personal data;

V - data quality: guarantee, to the data subjects, of accuracy, clarity, relevance and updating of the data, according to the need and for the fulfillment of the purpose of its treatment;

VI - transparency: guaranteeing holders clear, accurate and easily accessible information about the treatment and the respective treatment agents, observing commercial and industrial secrets;

VII - security: use of technical and administrative measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination;

VIII - prevention: adoption of measures to prevent the occurrence of damages due to the processing of personal data;

IX - non-discrimination: impossibility of carrying out the treatment for illicit or abusive discriminatory purposes;

X - accountability and accountability: demonstration, by the agent, of the adoption of effective measures capable of proving the observance and compliance with the rules for the protection of personal data and, even, the effectiveness of these measures.

5. Cookies
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7. Responsibility
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9. General provisions
Health Sciences Journal Publishing reserves the right to modify these Terms. Navigation and the continuous use of u suário the Site constitutes acceptance of these changes. Should one or more of these Terms become invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. These Terms are governed by LAW No. 13,709, OF AUGUST 14, 2018

10. Cookies Policy - Setting Cookies
A cookie is a text file that can be recorded by your browser in the memory of your electronic device (computer, smartphone or tablet) when consulting an online service. It is sent by a website's server to your browser and each cookie includes an anonymous identifier. When the User consults the Site, different types of cookies may be installed, subject to the User's acceptance:
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Prepared by Health Sciences Journal Publishing in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Act (LGPD) LAW No. 13,709, OF AUGUST 14, 2018.

Prof. Dr. Carlos Jorge Rocha Oliveira - Biologist - CRBio 19.428 / 01D