Cosméticos com efeito lifting: O efeito cinderela e como funciona

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Guilherme Tadeu Souza Batista
Vitória Silva de Araújo
Isabela Vasconcelos Barbosa
Júlia Silva Souza Moreira
Ana Júlia dos Santos Pereira
Byanca Rodrigues Alves Batista
Eduarda de Angelis Rubira
Karen Olinto de Araújo Negreiros
Cleber Queiroz Leite


The cinderella effect is a tightening action that some cosmetics have on already aged, flaccid skin with creases (wrinkles). These cosmetics are based on dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) and tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine (THPE), the first brings greater tension to the dermis by causing an increase in acetylcholine in the muscle, the second stimulates the action of keratinocytes and immediately causes the sensation of tensioned skin. . In this sense, the present work aimed to show the active principles that provided an immediate result, in addition to the long-term benefits for the skin. The study is an exploratory, documentary and descriptive research, obtained through a bibliographic review of scientific articles and literature in the main means of scientific research. The descriptors were chosen through a facilitator database (MeSH). The use of the actives dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) and tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine (THPE) for topical use, in addition to the immediate effect of improvement in the skin, brought great satisfaction on the part of patients. However, the most experienced results are noticed from the fourth week of using the product. The use of sunscreen is indispensable, taking it in applied and constant condition, for the prevention and treatment of skin aging and for the prevention of skin cancer. Thus, the main factors causing aging are extrinsic factors and, in order to delay the aging process, cosmetics with different properties were presented. It can be observed that the cinderella effect is achieved precisely by the set of active principles that make up the formulation of a dermocosmetic, bringing both cosmetic and dermatological benefits, since it acts on the deepest skin classes.

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Batista, G. T. S. ., Silva de Araújo, V. . ., Vasconcelos Barbosa, I. ., Silva Souza Moreira, J. ., dos Santos Pereira, A. J. ., Rodrigues Alves Batista, B. ., de Angelis Rubira, E. ., Olinto de Araújo Negreiros, K. ., & Queiroz Leite, C. (2023). Cosméticos com efeito lifting: O efeito cinderela e como funciona. Revista Científica De Estética & Cosmetologia, 3(1), E0912023 – 1.


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