Therapeutic strategies of the beautician in the face of patients with suppurative hidradenitis

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Lucimara Sargiani Fabossi
José Francisco Vitarelli


Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), also called by Hydrosadenitis, Acne Inversa or Verneuil’s Disease is a chronic, recurrent, stigmatizing and debilitating disease. Its etiopathogenesis involves folicular and genetic occlusion, environmental and immunological factors, which may occur singly or simultaneously in various regions of the body. The initial characteristics of HS are commonly mistaken for furunculosis, carbuncles and folliculitis, leading to a delay in the diagnosis and worsening of lesions, taking to the need to intensify the drug therapy and often, the departure of labor activities. The objective of this work is to introduce the Beautician, with a multidisciplinary team, in the treatment of HS patients, offering alternative therapeutic techniques complementary to drugs and disease evolutional control. To this end, intensify the approach of the subject in the training courses of the Technician in Aesthetics and in the graduations of Cosmetologist Beautician. For being a disease with still no cure, and the available treatments are often ineffective, there is a need for new therapeutic strategies that can contribute significantly to increase the quality of life of HS patients.

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How to Cite
Fabossi, L. S., & Vitarelli, J. F. . (2020). Therapeutic strategies of the beautician in the face of patients with suppurative hidradenitis. Revista Científica De Estética & Cosmetologia, 1(2), 76–85.


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