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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The authors are duly identified with: full name, institution of origin, academic background, e-mail and ID of ORCID.
  • The article is accompanied by the approval certificate of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of origin, or its justification made by the author.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in guidelines for authors.
  • Accept the payment fee for publishing the article once accepted by the journal's editorial board. More information: click here

Articles are received in a continuous flow, that is, we receive texts at any time of the year. The articles are published on the website of the magazine http://rcec.healthsciences.com.br/, exclusively in PDF format. 

The Scientific Journal of Aesthetics & Cosmetology accepts works in the area of ​​health sciences with a focus on the area of ​​Aesthetics, Cosmetology and Quality of Life.

Original articles, review articles, case reports or case studies are accepted. Course completion papers can be published with the express permission of the supervising teacher.
The texts presented at congresses, symposia and seminars are accepted, with the condition of being unpublished and in accordance with the publication rules. The works will be examined by the editorial board.

The submission file must be in Microsoft Word format; The manuscript can be any size. There are no restrictions on word count, number of figures or amount of supporting information. We recommend that you present and discuss your findings concisely.

Manuscripts must be sent in Portuguese or English. Inserts for specific areas of Aesthetics, Cosmetology and Quality of Life will be considered.
The title should be centered, in bold and italics with Time Roman 14 font, the first letter in uppercase.

Identification of the author (s) must be made immediately after the title, with 1.5 spacing in Roman Time 11 without bold and italics, with footnote and identification of the institution of origin, academic formation, e-mail and ORCID ID.

Maximum number of authors per article: The maximum number of authors per article is five (5). Changes (removal, inclusion and replacement) in the authorship of articles after online submission will not be allowed. Requests for change of authorship imply archiving of the article.

Authorship identification and co-authorship: For articles with more than five (5) authors, it is necessary to detail the role played by each in the study. Each author must have participated in the study sufficiently to be able to publicly assume responsibility for its content. Your participation must include at least: a) the conception or design or analysis and interpretation of the data, or both; b) writing of the manuscript or its revision, when it includes important intellectual criticism of its content; c) final approval of the version to be published. Simple participation in data collection does not justify authorship. All elements of an article (a, b, and c above) must be attributable to at least one author.

In a group work (collective) the authorship must specify the key people responsible for the article; other collaborators must be acknowledged separately in acknowledgments. Material or financial aid from any source must also be specified.

For a larger number of authors and co-authors, the corresponding author must justify in "comments to the editor" when submitting the article, leaving the acceptance / rejection of the referred study to the editorial board / reviewers.

The work must contain: Summary; Abstract; Introduction; Material and Method; Result, Discussion / Conclusion and References.

References: The Scientific Journal of Aesthetics & Cosmetology uses the “Vancouver” rules for short and long citation.

Polyphenols are compounds synthesized by plants for protection against radiation, mechanical damage and microbial infection [1]. Polyphenols have structural variability and are commonly classified as flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins and stilbenes. The main differences between polyphenols are in the number of phenolic rings, together with one or more hydroxyl radicals [2,3].

Vancouver Reference
1] Di Ferdinando M .; Brunetti C .; Agati G .; Tattini M. Multiple functions of polyphenols in plants inhabiting unfavorable Mediterranean areas. Environ Exp. Bot. 2014; 103: 107–16.
[2] González S .; Fernández M .; Cuervo A .; Lasheras C. Dietary intake of polyphenolsand major food sources in an institutionalized elderly population. J Hum Nutr. Diet Off J Br Diet Assoc. 2014; 27: 176–83.
[3] Tsao R. Chemistry and biochemistry of dietary polyphenols. Nutrients. 2010; 2: 1231–46.

Vancouver long quotes: Long quotes should appear in an independent paragraph, indented and typed in single space, and a smaller font to stand out from the text (for example, font 10), indentation of 4 cm to the left, with or without quotes. Example:

The abstract with a maximum of 300 and a minimum of 200 words. At the end it should contain 3 keywords, in Times Roman 12 single spacing, for the keywords, double single space.

The article must be written in Times Roman, size 12, between the lines with a space of 1.5. Paper size: A4 (2.10 x 2.97 cm), with portrait orientation, top and left margins of 2.5 cm, bottom and right of 2 cm.

Define abbreviations in the first appearance in the text. Do not use nonstandard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum.

Images (figures and photos): must be clear, with a maximum size of 10 x 15 cm, presented in standard digital format JPEG at 300dpi; they must be centralized in the document and contain captions and sources; importantly, they must be inserted in the body of the text, not pasted.

Graphs, tables and charts must be accompanied by an explanatory title, in order to understand the meaning of the data collected.

For reprinting photographs, figures, tables, tables and graphs extracted from other texts, the source of reference must be indicated and the authorization of the source or author must be attached.

The grammatical and orthographic revision of the texts is the sole responsibility of the authors, as well as the submission of manuscripts in another language.

Plagiarism Policy

The assumptions of plagiarism are: a) presenting others' work as yours; b) adopt the words or ideas of other authors without due recognition; c) do not use quotation marks in a literal quote; d) paraphrase from a source without mentioning it; e) abusive paraphrase, even if the source is mentioned. The general assumptions of scientific fraud are as follows: a) fabrication, falsification or omission of data and plagiarism; b) duplicate publication; and c) authorship conflicts. All accepted papers are submitted to plagiarism detection software. The magazine adopts the CrossRef system to identify plagiarism and or similarity. The authors will assume the consequences of any nature resulting from the breach of the obligations indicated in these editorial rules. In cases where plagiarism is incurred, the Editorial Coordination will follow the following procedures: the evidence of the detected plagiarism will be sent to the author (s), requesting an explanation about it. If the answer is not satisfactory, the article will not be published and, if applicable, the media in which the original plagiarized article was published will be informed.